Measures regarding the Covid-19 situation at Alliance Française Bangkok

UPDATE : 26 MAY 2020
In compliance with the measures announced by the Thai government concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Alliance Française Bangkok must adjust its services to the public starting from Wednesday, March 18, 2020 and until further notice.
What will change for you according to your profile
We won’t be able to host any courses in our building.
- French classes for children 8-11 years old / teens / adults, French classes “enfants scolaire du CP au Collège” and Thai courses: a distance learning solution will be set up. The details and procedures will be announced shortly.
- French classes for children (maternelle and 3-7 years old): the courses are postponed until further notice. You will receive a credit note.
- Art classes (dance, theatre, fashion) : the courses are postponed until further notice. You will receive a credit note.
Registration Service:
The service will continue to operate at the usual opening hours (EXCEPT SUNDAY). However, whenever possible, we encourage you to ask questions and register by phone, e-mail, Line. [opening hours and contact information]
Translation Service:
The service will be reopened with normal operating hours from Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., starting from June 1, 2020.
Click here to see the conditions
Media Library:
The Media Library will be open, by reservation only, on Tuesday, May 26, Thursday, May 28 and Saturday, May 30, from 10AM to 5PM. If this reopening is successful, the Media Library is likely to be opened for more days, from June 2.
For a safe and controlled reopening, a new health protocol has been implemented. Please comply with it.
- By reservation only
- 6 people maximum per slot
- Time slot: 1 hour
- Respect the protective and social distancing measures
- Wear a face mask
- Hand sanitizers will be available at the entrance
- Books will be decontaminated for 4 days
- Quotas and loan duration remain unchanged
- The Media Libray areas will be disinfected every hour
To book a slot, please click here.
NEW: Book sale - every book at 50 THB!
We remind our members and students that they have access to Culturethèque, the online media library. If you do not yet have an account, please contact the Media Library service.
Don't forget to join the Media Library Facebook group!
Book shop and restaurant:
Carnets d’Asie will be open from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 5pm.
Café Mademoiselle will be open from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 3pm.
The building will be closed to the public until further notice.
During this exceptional period, the Alliance Française Bangkok will strive to fulfill its mission of promoting the French language, French-speaking cultures and cultural diversity. So follow us on our social networks, we will keep you informed of our news and we will propose different activities online.
We invite you to take care of yourself and your loved ones by carefully observing the health instructions in order to overcome the current situation.
Thank you for your understanding.
Alliance Française de Bangkok