Program of the Francophonie month 2022 in Thailand

In March 2022, let’s celebrate the Francophonie month in Thailand together!
The Embassy of Switzerland in Thailand, which assumes the role of coordinator this year, along with Alliance Française Bangkok and the Embassies and delegations of Belgium, Canada, France, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Morocco, Poland and Romania, and their partners, are pleased to present the new edition of the Francophonie month in Thailand.
The French language in Thailand
Throughout the world, French is the 2nd language learned after English, the 3rd language of business and the 4th language on the Internet. According to the figures of the Organisation internationale of la Francophonie, there were in 2018, more than 300 million French speakers in the world, spread over the 5 continents.
In Thailand, there are 300,000 French speakers and more than 30,000 pupils or students learning French in 186 secondary schools and 20 universities, giving the French language a privileged place in the kingdom.
En Thaïlande, on compte 300 000 locuteurs de français, et plus de 30 000 élèves ou étudiants apprennent le français dans 186 écoles secondaires et 20 universités, conférant ainsi à la langue française une place privilégiée dans le royaume.
The program
Until March 31, the different partners offer a program combining film screenings, concerts, a singing contest, conferences and more.