March 2021: Together, let's celebrate the month of the Francophonie in Thailand!
The month of March will be filled with many cultural events and activities.
Check out this year's program.
French language in the land of smiles
In the land of smiles, there are 500,000 Thai people who speak French fluently ! Today, in Thailand, more than 30,000 pupils or students are learning French in more than 210 secondary schools and nearly 30 universities, thus giving the French language a privileged place in the kingdom, even if the country doesnt share the French-speaking heritage of its neighbors.
What is "Francophonie"?
French is the 2nd language learned in the world, right after the English language, the 3rd language of business and the 4th language on the internet. According to figures from the « International Organization of La Francophonie », in 2018 there were more than 300 million Francophones in the world.
Francophonie is first and foremost women and men who share a common language, French. But this community of language also share the culture and values that this language conveys. The International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) has not only the mission of promoting the teaching of French but also to enhance common values notably peace, human rights throughout the world, and global issues, such as the environment or sustainable development.
The Francophonie month in Thailand
Every year in March, Le « Mois de la Francophonie » or the month of francophonie, intends to promote the French language everywhere in the world and to support dialogue and understanding between people, groups and communities.
After Luxembourg in 2020, this year France is taking on the role of coordinator of the month of « la Francophonie » in Thailand. In partnership with the Alliance Française and the Thai Association of French Teachers, but also with the Embassies and delegations of Belgium, Canada, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, and Switzerland, the French Embassy in Bangkok is pleased to invite you to celebrate « Francophonie Month 2021 » in Thailand!
Throughout the month of March, theater, concerts, exhibitions, conferences, cinema, or even unique educational activities will be happening throughout the country.
Finally, on March 20, all the partners will meet at the Résidence de France for "La Fête de la Francophonie is taking breath of Fresh air", for a reception to honour all students or highschool kids who chose to learn french.

2 March at 18:30
Exhibition | Switzerland
Opening of Zeitgeist, an exhibition of the Swiss artist Michel Misho, composed of two series of works "Imaginary Landscapes" and "In Exile"

3 March at 18:30
Film screening | France and Tunisia
Un fils by Mehdi M. Barsaoui

6 March at 14:00
Play on screen | France
Le Malade imaginaire By Molière, directing by Claude Stratz with comedians from la Comédie-Française

8 March at 19:00
Conference | France and Mexico
Conference organized as part of International Women's Day
In partnership with UN Women

10 March at 18:30
Film screening | France, Algeria and Qatar
143 rue du désert by Hassen Ferhani

11 March at 17:00
Film screening | Kosovo
Kosovo Cinema Night
1. The Drums of Resistance by Mathieu Jouffre
2. The Flying Circus by Fatos Berisha

12 March at 18:30
Conference | Canada
A discussion with Kim Thúy, auteure canadienne

13 March at 14h00
Film screening | France
Animation film festival
Oggy et les cafards by Olivier Jean-Marie

13 March at 14:30
Workshop | France
Animation film festival
Beatbox workshop

13 March at 17:15
Film screening | France
Animation film festival
Kirikou et la Sorcière by Michel Ocelot

14 March from 13:00
Film screening and conference | France
Animation film festival
1. Short films by Thai directors
2. Animation film conference
3. A selection of short animation film presented at Annecy Festival
In partnership with TACGA (Thai Animation and Computer Graphic Association)

16 March at 18:00
Online cooking class | Luxembourg
Online cooking class with Chef Anne Faber

16 March at 18:30
Film screening | Canada
Animation film festival
Snowtime! by François Brisson and Jean-François Pouliot

18 March at 18:30
Recital & Film screening | Roumania
Flute and piano by Alina Gabriela Suwannakoot
The story of a summer lover by Paul Negoescu

20 March from 11:00 at the French ambassador's residence
Activities | All of the participating countries
« la Fête de la Francophonie prend l'air »
A day dedicated to French students

20 March at 14:00
Film screening | France and Ivory coast
Aya de Yopougon by Marguerite Abouet et Clément Oubrerie

24 March at 14:00
Fashion show | France
Fashion showcase of French brands and Alliance Française's students works

25 March at 19:00
Film screening | Poland
Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge by Marie Noëlle

31 March at 19:00
Classical concert | France
Pro Musica : Murder and Wedding
--- Follow the events of the Francophonie Month in Thailand using the Hashtag #LaFrancophonieThailande on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram !
--- Useful links
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie – website
Official press release
--- La Fête de la Francophonie 2019